There are two sources of speed commands: one is the external analog voltage input, and the other is the internal parameters. Delta Servo Drive registers allow users to configure 3 different types of speed commands, which are the internal parameters of P1-09, P1-10 and P1-11 (Unit: 0.1rpm). It can be switched by signals SPD0 and SPD1 on connector CN1, explained in the following table:
SPD0 and SPD1 status: “0” is open circuit, “1” is closed circuit. When SPD0=SPD1=0, and if the control mode is “Sz”, then the command is 0. So, if users do not need to use analog voltage as speed commands, they can choose “Sz” mode for avoid a noise-caused change in analog voltage.
If the mode is “S”, then the command is via analog reference (REF). The analog input voltage and the voltage difference between GND has the range -10V to +10V. The speed corresponding to the voltage is adjustable in P1 – P40.
Reference: User Manual – ASDA-A2, pages 196 and 220.