Which parameter settings are important when using ASDA servo units (A2E, A3E and B3E) with EtherCAT motion communication?
Which parameter settings are important when using ASDA servo units (A2E, A3E and B3E) with EtherCAT motion communication?

(1) Before using Delta servo units with EtherCAT communication interface, read the related manuals (see Delta website).

(2) P1-01 or P1.001 (control mode setting): 0x0C. Delta servo in EtherCAT CoE communication mode "CANOpen Over EtherCAT", then select 0C mode.

(3) P3-12 (canopen/DMCNET support): The parameter determines whether the following communication table keeps the same settings.

(4) P3-18 (EtherCAT Special Function Switch): Sets the speed unit for the master to read the servo command.

(5) P3-22 (EtherCAT PDO Timeout Setting): Set this parameter to change TimeOut time of alarms related to ECAT communication (AL3E & AL180). Please keep the default value if there are no ECAT alarms.