How do I set a servo drive digital output (DO) to drive a servo motor with brake?
How do I set a servo drive digital output (DO) to drive a servo motor with brake?

Brake signal (BRKR) controls auxiliary relay to provide brake power. See the operation below to set the digital output (DO) functions and wiring.

  1. Digital Output (DO) Setup: Set the DO parameter value to 0x08 (BRKR). Brake release and release delays can be set in parameters P1-42 and P1-43.
  2. See the wiring diagram below for using the electromagnetic brake.


    1. Brake coil has no polarity.
    2. Do not use brake power and control power (VDD) at the same time.

    Reference: User Manual – ASDA-A2, page 257 (6.6.4 The Use of Brake).